Help! I can’t get to a Column in my segment?!

Segments let you group your contacts or leads based on demographic or behavioural attributes.

Demographic : Get me all of the contacts who are age 30 + and live in the city Liverpool

Behavioural : Get me all of the contacts who have subscribed to campaign X and who have registered to attend event Y

Segments can be dynamic or static

Dynamic : changes based on data held against a record. Contacts will fall in and out of the segment automatically

Static : this is a group of contacts who are added manually one by one or are added based on an initial query. When the segment is saved that is the list of individuals until you change decide to change it

So, you know how to create a segment. But for some reason you cannot see the Table(Entity) that’s your Column(Field) is on, to add it to your segment. What do you do?

Outbound Marketing

For those of you who have had D365 Marketing in the past and have access to Outbound marketing:

  1. Go to setting area within the Customer Insight Journeys/Marketing app

  2. Navigate to Data Management and select Dataset Configuration from the left hand navigation.

  3. Now you can select the entities you want to add to the data export profile

    Select the entity or entities you require from the list available and Publish Changes in the top right corner.

    Note: Once this is done it cannot be undone!

Real-time Marketing

For those of you who are new to Dynamics Customer Insight Journeys / Marketing , you will only know the concept of Real-time Marketing. The good thing is this process is much more simplified for you!

  1. Navigate to Real-time journeys area

  2. Click on the Segment section from the left hand navigation

  3. Add a new segment and the Segment builder will open

  4. In the right hand Elements panel, observe the related tables list which will show a number of default tables.

  5. Now click add table and a pop up window will open with a list of all tables. Like outbound marketing, this cannot be undone. Additionally if a table is more than 5 hops away it may be unavailable to use.

But I still cannot see my table in the configuration lists?!

If you are unable to see the table you have created from the list that is available it may be that data tracking is not enabled. To enable data tracking:

  1. Go to make.powerapps and open your solution

  2. Locate the table which houses the column that you wish to segment by

  3. Click on properties to edit the table

  4. Check Track Changes

  5. Save and publish

  6. Wait a few moments and the table should now be available for you to configure as a part of your segments outlined above


The switch to realtime marketing part 1


3 features that are so under-rated!