3 features that are so under-rated!
3 wave release features that are under-rated, and make life for the maketeer that little bit easier
D365 Customer Insights - Journeys: real-world benefits - EMAIL TESTING
This blog post explores the harsh reality of the modern day consumer and their expectations. D365 Marketing allows Marketeers to build on trust and live up to the demands of the consumer. This week i discuss how Marketeers can benefit from personalised tokens, and content variation within their email design
D365 Customer Insights - Journeys: real-world benefits - Personal Communications
This blog post explores the harsh reality of the modern day consumer and their expectations. D365 Marketing allows Marketeers to build on trust and live up to the demands of the consumer. This week i discuss how Marketeers can benefit from personalised tokens, and content variation within their email design
D365 Customer Insights - Journeys: real-world benefits - INSTANT COMMUNICATIONS
This blog post explores the harsh reality of the modern day consumer and their expectations. D365 Marketing allows Marketeers to build on trust and live up to the demands of the consumer. This week i discuss how Marketeers can benefit from Trigger Creation, for Instant communications to a contact record; using HR Candidate Experience as an example.